Monday, November 14, 2016

Good Good Father

Why is the Lord so good to us?
That's a silly question you might say.
He's good to us because He's good and kind and loving. He's good to us because He is, as the song says, a good good father who takes care of us.

Yes, but there's more. The Lord is so good to us, that He takes care of our needs, gives us our desires, and grants us blessings abundantly.

What has been striking me, is how often he saves us from Ourselves.

When we want something so badly, that relationship, that promotion at work, or even the approval of others, and the Lord says simply.
What ensues can be a mixture of whining, complaining, frustration, and bitterness.

How dare God tell me no! Doesn't He know that this thing is going to make me happiest?

We fume for days or even months on end like a petulant child tugging at God's sleeves, continually asking Him to grant our requests.

Then one day, we wake up, look behind us, and realize that the one thing we've wanted all this time, wasn't actually what we needed-or truly desired

Realizing that I got what I truly needed, instead of what I wanted is a humbling experience.

As I hang my head in shame as I look back on the many times that I've been guilty of these things, my gracious Father lifts my face gently, so that I can meet His gaze.
"You are forgiven. Trust Me and move forward with boldness"  He says, His voice like soft thunder.

He forgives me, refines me, and irons out the wrinkles one by one.

We have a good, good Father.

In Christ,
Hanna Elizabeth

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