Thursday, May 24, 2018

Judging, or Not...

Does anyone else ever worry about what others think about you?
Wondering what that glance across the room meant, or what that person who is of a certain age, or ethnicity, or religion, or culture, or size, name it really-must be thinking of you right now, based on your appearance, possessions, body shape, or outfit?

It's a habit that is easy to pick up, and exceedingly hard to break. I have struggled with this for a long time, and it is difficult to keep my mind under control. From this worry comes a projection of others. I start to put people in boxes, thinking about who they must be, and how they must think-based on how they look, or act, or what generation they are from, or who they affiliate themselves with.

I'm sure everyone has heard someone say something similar to this:
"Those (insert collective group name here) are (insert negative comment here) and they are all like that!"

Consider this: People are people. People are individuals with their own private lives, and no matter what the differentiating factors between you and them, they don't fit into your created box. People of a certain type don't always, or even typically think and feel a certain way.

People are people, and each human being must be treated as an individual.

In reality, it only hurts me to put others in boxes, stunts my perception and understanding, and limits my ability to do my most important job-love others.

What does it look like to love? That will have to be delved into another time.

My first job is to shake off my misunderstandings about others, and seek to see each person as a unique individual.

If I choose to do so, I might just make some lasting friendships, and learn a little something along the way.

Hanna Elizabeth

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