Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Comparison is the Death of the Spiritual Life

It has been nearly a week since I have even looked at my blog, but not for reasons you might think.

No, I wasn't really too busy, I have had some great opportunities to write, and some thoughts I felt were worthy to share. 
But as I sat down tonight to write, I was inexplicably filled with a desire to avoid it yet again.

Why? Perhaps a bit of laziness. It seemed like such a daunting task waiting for me.

Mostly, though, I have been wondering about other people.

I read several different blogs, and I have been reading quite a few well written books lately. And in the same way that I hesitate when I write stories, or when I consider writing books someday, I sometimes hesitate to blog.

Does anyone really read this? I wonder. So many other people do this better than me. My thoughts aren't really that original, someone, somewhere has (blogged, written, fill in the blank) the same ideas as me, and probably done it better. What if people don't like what I'm writing?

Does my voice even really matter?

As the voice of doubt whispers in my ear, I begin to compare myself to those around me.

"Comparison is the death of the spiritual life."

I'm not sure who said that, but it's my best friend's favorite saying, and it comes to mind every time I start to compare myself to others.
Every time doubts and fears creep into my mind.

It's true. When they told you in elementary school that you should be worrying about yourself and not the kid next to you, they were right. When your mom said to your ten-year-old self that it doesn't matter what your brother did to you, you need to think about what you did, she was right. 

There's a reason why God tells us "But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor." Galatians 6:4-5.
I could add, or a random person's blog, or compare your own writing to that of great authors...or fill in the blank with your own comparison or doubt.

Because when we compare, we begin to lose sight of what really matters. 

What matters is that the Lord put you and I on this earth for a specific purpose. 

To glorify Him in all that we do. 

That may be blogging and teaching for me, or being a firefighter or working in a crisis pregnancy center, or being a rocket scientist for you, I don't know. 

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (emphasis mine)

As I write this, I am reminded of a few important things that should be remembered as comparison and doubt rear their ugly heads. 

I am a child of the living God, the one who breathed the stars into existence.

I am loved infinitely by Him, and created by Him with gifts talents for a specific purpose.
I was created to glorify Him with the gifts and talents He has given me.  

So when I compare myself to others, it's like comparing a giraffe and an orange. Both have different uses. 
You probably wouldn't want to juice a giraffe, and an orange would be the last thing I would want to eat leafy greens off a tall tree. 

It doesn't matter what other people are doing, or how they are doing it.

It matters what you and I are doing with the talents we are given.

Soli Deo Gloria

Hanna Elizabeth

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