Tuesday, May 3, 2016

On Noisy Neighbors and making Good Choices

I sat down tonight to write about the Lord's plan in my life. How He was working in providing me a job, how thankful I was that He has a much better plan for my life than I do, and how much better life is when I follow His plan instead of my own.

I even had a catchy title: God's Plan vs. my Plan. Which one is better? (Hint, it's not mine)

Then, my upstairs neighbors began their ritual. At least, I think that's what it must be, some sort of ritualistic dance, in which they must dance repeatedly in rhythmic patterns above my head in order to gain the favor of their deity.

Or...maybe they just have kids that wrestle instead of going to bed, we don't really know. 

Almost immediately, I became irritated. Not for myself, no. I don't have to get up for work in the morning. However, both of my roommates have lost hours of sleep over these ritualistic dancers above us, and they do have to wake up in the morning.

So my frustration and irritation was righteous, and for another...right?

Yet as I stood there, broom in hand, waiting for the dancing to begin anew so that I could "voice" my displeasure, it hit me...why did this bother me so much?

Was it really because my roommates were bothered? No, I'm pretty sure they're both asleep, and once they're gone, they're gone for the night.

Or, was it because I wanted something to be indignant about?

Did it really bother me that much, and should it bother me that much that my neighbors were loud? When I lived at my parents house, only two months ago, I lived right below the kitchen, and anyone walking above me for a drink of water made the old house grumble and squeak like an adolescent boy whose voice is changing. 

Then why was I so bothered by this disturbance that, honestly, shouldn't really disturb me? 

I don't know if I have an answer to that one, but I know that I do have a solution to my problem.
I think the Lord confronted me about as held that broom indignantly in the air, ready to make marks in my ceiling.

I can choose to be thankful.

Thankful for the job I just landed today, that is just what I need for the summer.
Thankful for the roommates I have, and that we get along so well.
For my parents who invite me over for lunch, and buy me ice cream.
For my sister, who puts her cold feet on me, and jumps the fence to my patio to make a sneak entrance, and who watches Psych with me over ice cream.
For the fact that I even have an apartment to live in.
And yes, for my upstairs neighbors, who are probably just trying their best to get their overactive kids down for the night.

Instead of choosing frustration, I can choose to be thankful for the hundreds and thousands of blessings that the Lord has seen fit to give me.

I can choose Joy, which is what this blog is all about.

Hanna Elizabeth 


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