Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Finding Joy in the Little Things

It was going to be one of those days.

Not fifteen minutes into my morning, and a pit formed in my stomach. I could feel a migraine coming on.

No! I gritted my teeth and fumed internally. I have so much to do today! Please Lord, not today.

For me, a migraine can often be an all day misery. that leaves me sicker than a very sick dog, and in bed with the covers over my head, sleeping off multiple painkillers, home remedies, and unable to stand the sight of light.
This is it. So much for getting up early. The fatalist in me had elbowed its was past my Joy, Strength, and Positivity. Then Frustration took the wheel It doesn't make any sense, I've been eating well, sleeping well! Why did it have to be today when I'm so busy?

Definitely not the idea start to my morning.

Three hours and several home remedies and painkillers later, and the stabbing pain finally subsided.
I dragged my groggy, still frustrated body out of bed and begrudgingly thanked the Lord that it was over so quickly.
An hour later I was off to the third day of my tutoring job, minus the migraine, but still a little cranky and worn out.

I should have called in sick, I'm not prepared for this. But, here I was, at work, too late to turn around now.

Finally, my shift was over. Looking back, the shift wasn't too bad, and the kids did very well, but at the end of the day, I was exhausted.
As I began to clean up the materials from that day's lessons, I suppressed a sigh of fatigue, picturing my bed at home waiting for me.

Suddenly, I noticed I had a visitor. One of the kindergarten students I had tutored the day before had skipped over. Her long red curls were in a tangle, and her bright blue eyes watched my every move.

I couldn't help but smile as she greeted me, and then she leaned in with a conspiratorial look.

"I wish you were my teacher today."

With a gentle step forward, Joy took the wheel from Frustration, and all of it became worth it.

The Lord always knows just what we need to remember the important things in life, and to rediscover the strength in His Joy.

Hanna Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Aaah! The little red-head's comment made me tear up! The Lord sure knows when to pull the chords on our hearts.
